+44 (0) 1295 701 810

Ground Handlers

Intelligence for ground handling companies

We recognise Ground Handlers play a crucial role in delivering ‘landside’ and ‘airside’ services to the air transport industry, covering a significant range of essential services from baggage handling to ramp management and critical turnaround tasks.

We also recognise the challenges faced to deliver a more efficient and cost-effective service whilst continuously improving performance and providing quality assurances to customers.

Partnering with some of the largest Ground Handling companies in the world our robust, and first on the market, Ground Handling solutions not only improve day-to-day operations and reduce costs, but provide business intelligence in the form of KPI measures, instant access to evidence for justification when flights are delayed and full service capture capabilities to ensure accurate and timely billing against customer contracts.

Find out more about our products here.

Ground breaking technology for Ground Handlers

  • Reduced number of mishandled bags and associated repatriation costs
  • Reduced turnaround times and unnecessary ‘delayed flights’ penalties
  • Fully mobilise the workforce, with instant access to real-time data right up to the cargo door
  • Truly optimize staff, fleet and equipment across the entire airport from a single central location
  • Reduce time spent on paperwork and eliminate the need to maintain multiple spreadsheets

“Conservative estimates indicate that airlines are performing less than 50% of the ground handling that currently takes place at the world’s airports – and this outsourcing trend is increasing.” - IATA

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  • Zafire Aviation

    Zafire Aviation specialise in developing and implementing software for the aviation industry.

    We’ve been at the forefront of our industry for over a decade, providing software solutions to some of the world’s biggest organisations.

Zafire Limited is registered in England and Wales No. 3968255. Zafire Aviation Software Limited is registered in England and Wales. No. 05577742. VAT No. 284 616774. United Kingdom.